What Makes Elevates a Flooring Sales Associate to the Next Level?

Great flooring sales associates are an integral part of their company's success. They're the ones who can make or break a sale, and they're responsible for the overall experience of your purchase. This interview with retail sales manager Mark Maly sets the tone for what it takes to be a great salesperson and his opinion on what wood flooring products move the most in Madison, WI.

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He also describes what he sells the most--prefinished or unfinished wood flooring--and a tip for new retailers. There are many qualities that make up a great flooring sales associate. These include how long they've been with the company, whether or not they're willing to learn new things about their job, and how well they work with customers. All of these factors are important considerations to keep in mind when hiring new staff members. For example, one thing that sets a sales associate apart from others is a caring attitude towards their customers and willingness to go above and beyond what is expected in order to get business done. If you want to elevate yourself to the next level as a flooring sales associate, you'll need to genuinely care about the company, its customers, and your work.