What to Look Out for With a Fence Installation

There are many different techniques to use when installing a fence. When looking to hire a company for a fence installation, there are a few things to watch out for while the job is in progress. Below, you will find a few of these common mistakes that fence installation companies may make.

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When a company is digging to install a fence post, a common error is not digging deep enough into the ground. If the post is not securely placed, the post can fall and tear the entire fence down with it. A properly placed fence post will stay upright and support the fence around it.

Depth is also an issue if the underground utilities are in the way. If a fence installation goes awry, a common reason for this is a conflict with an underground utility. Things such as pipes or electrical cables can be in the way when a fence is being installed. The company should locate each of these underground utilities before digging to place fence posts in the ground.

There are a lot of ways a fence installation can turn sideways. It's important to keep an eye out for these common mistakes. The right company will provide a great service without ruining your lawn.
