What to Know About Laser Dentistry

Though laser dentistry may sound complex and maybe even intimidating, rest assured that laser technology safely provides high-tech solutions to a variety of dental complications. Let's get to know more about the benefits of laser dental surgery, and how they are provided.

Did you know LASER is actually an acronym? It stands for Light Amplification through Stimulated Emission of Radiation.” Lasers themselves are a form of light energy created in a very narrow and focused beam.

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This beam produces a reaction when it hits tissue, allowing it to remove or shape the tissue as needed.

Root canal sterilization, abscess care, and gum disease treatment are all operated on through high-tech machinery known as diode lasers. These technologies allow for faster healing, reduced swelling, and less bleeding post-procedure. A laser allows for greater precision in cutting cavities without damaging the tooth itself, whereas a scalpel or blade does not possess the same capability.

Laser surgery is not only required for severe dental issues. Procedures such as teeth whitening and tooth decay treatment can also be treated through low-powered laser methods. Variable wavelengths are used for operations of lower intensity. Hopefully, this provides you with a better understanding of laser dentistry and the safety it brings to a variety of dental issues.
