Safely Check Your Water Heater: Checking the Heating Element

When you first start working on your water heater, you have to remember that it is a case-by-case situation. Not every problem is going to be solved right away and not everything can be done on your own. Sometimes, water heater repair is going to take more experience than what you have and that is okay!

What you can do to start though is try to troubleshoot what is going on with your water heater before you call out a water heater repair service. This can save time and money on your part.

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Before you even begin, it's important to turn off the electricity that goes to the water heater or you can also unplug the water heater. Both methods should work but to be safe, it's best to flip that breaker.

Things to look for are soaked insulation, improper readings on a voltmeter, and excess moisture in other areas of the heater. In the video, you can see that not only were readings a little wonky, but when the heating element was removed it was split and rusted through! This explains why the heater wasn't working properly and saved a call to a water heater repair specialist.

Remember, sometimes you can fix the issue, and sometimes you have to call. Stay safe!
