4 Signs You Need a New Roof

Roofs are an integral part of the house and are often ignored until there's a leak. This video shows the warning indicators that indicate the need for a new roof. While roof repairs can be carried out for an isolated problem, the roof also has a limited lifespan after which it must be replaced. 4 Signs That a New Roof is Needed: 1.

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Curled Shingles Shingles with the edges curled upward are a sign that the roof should be replaced. This occurs naturally as the roof ages. This situation can affect your homeowner's insurance payout. 2. Poor Tab Adhesion As the shingle ages, it loses its stickiness. This can be a problem during a windstorm as the shingles will be torn off and water can enter through the exposed holes. 3. Tree Debris Tree debris that breaks down becomes acidic and affects the roof underneath. The metal pan under the shingles will get damaged. 4. Tree Branches Tree branches can loosen the shingles as they sway, and the shingles deteriorate much faster due to the tree debris. When replacing the roof, ensure all components are replaced as well. Hire a reputable company to ensure roof replacement is done satisfactorily.