Failure to have a college degree shouldn't mean you can't secure a job. There are some job opportunities that won't require you to have a college degree. That is a great chance you cannot ignore. And one of the chances you can capitalize on is being an exterminator. You'll specialize in using chemicals to eliminate insects and vermin.
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This is a job that isn't that complicated. You are ready to start serving your clients as long as you get the right training. But you will need to be outgoing. For instance, if you are doing this job independently, you must ensure you can get clients. Without them, you will definitely not generate any revenue. And that is something you need to avoid. You need to ensure that your skills can pay you.
As an exterminator, you will need to start by inspecting your clients' buildings. This is to ensure you can identify the type of insects that might have infested the house. From such an inspection, you will know which is the right intervention to put in place in regard to fumigation. You need to ensure that you serve your client well. It is a recipe of client attraction, retention, and generation of significant revenue. That is why you need to be on the right track in terms of service delivery.