How to Perform Basic Septic System Service for Homeowners
Homeowners not connected to a municipal wastewater system rely on septic systems. Such homeowners must understand how they work and be familiar with the septic system service and maintenance tasks that will prevent clogs and leaks, thus extending their life. Watch this video on basic septic tank maintenance to extend the lifetime of your system.
The septic system for an average household should be inspected once every three years by a septic system service professional. Furthermore, the tank should be pumped after three to five years. Professionals should regularly check septic systems with mechanical components, electrical float switches, and pumps.
Homeowners should use water efficiently to ensure their septic systems last longer. All the household wastewater ends up in the septic tank. The more water a household uses, the more enters the septic system. Efficient water usage reduces the septic system's operations and may reduce malfunctions. One way to ensure that a household uses less water is by installing high-efficiency toilets and showerheads.
Proper waste disposal can also help maintain a septic system. The rule of thumb to follow is never to flush anything other than toilet paper and human waste. The septic system contains living organisms that digest household waste.