How Commercial Roofing Is Professionally Installed

If you are in the process of constructing a brand-new commercial building, the kind of roof that you end up installing will have a significant impact on the long-term success of your business. This video looks at the basic steps of installing commercial roofing. Commercial roofing is comparable to residential roofing but calls for expansive preservation and expensive materials.

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The process of installing a commercial roof will look very different depending on the type of material and the type of roof of the building. The following steps constitute the installation process for built-up commercial roofing: Base-sheet fasteners secure base sheets to the roof's subsystem or roof deck. A hot, cold, or self-adhering application method covers the base sheets with an asphalt-bonding agent before spreading it across the roof surface. Asphalt is laid down in alternating layers to create the plies. To finish the installation, a top layer of surfacing material such as gravel or small stones, also known as aggregate, is spread out evenly across the roof's surface. Get in touch with professional roofers to ensure that your low-slope or flat-roof commercial building is outfitted with the optimal roofing material.