You've found the vehicle that checks off all your boxes, and now it's time to get the proper car insurance. While insurance can vary from state to state due to each state's uniqueness, Mark Flockhart at Think Insurance offers the three primary pieces to know about car insurance.
Coverage for the Other Drivers/Passengers:
- Bodily Injury — The insurance company pays for medical treatment if someone is injured.
- Property Damage — The insurance company pays when the property is damaged (house, car, etc.).
Coverage for Yourself:
- Medical Payments — Pays for any person injured in your vehicle.
- Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury — Pays the total amount or difference for the at-fault driver with no insurance or not enough.
- Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist Property Damage — Same as above, but this is the vehicle or property damage.
- Comprehensive — Acts of God and Animals (theft, vandalism, hail, a tree falling on it, etc.)
- Collision — Auto Accidents
- Full Coverage — Comprehensive and Collision
You'll want to choose the car insurance coverage and deductible that's important to you. Doing so helps keep your payments within your budget while ensuring you and your vehicle are protected.