Professional HVAC Installation of Ductwork

HVAC installation is often best done by professionals, but many people choose to do some jobs on their own. Electrical wiring is more difficult and very dangerous in certain circumstances, but other tasks like laying ductwork are a lot simpler and less dangerous. The embedded video reviews how a professional would tackle a task like this.

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The HVAC system would need to be installed and prepared for ducts to lead out of it. These ducts are insulated for both sound and temperature, so you can't hear the rushing air through them quite so easily and you don't lose any heat. They are attached at the ends, similar to how pipes come together. This combination allows air to flow freely through the ducts and to the parts of the house that need it the most. The ducts are often fed through the ceilings, floors, and walls to hide them. Older homes may not have enough space in the walls for larger ducts, so the pro in the video recommends a miniduct system. After the ducting has been laid out, flip on the HVAC system to ensure proper function. Air should be pushed everywhere you run your ducts, and you should now have a fully air-conditioned home.