How to Best Maintain Your Water Heater

This video from This Old House teaches the viewer about water heater maintenance service and repair. Have you ever wondered how your water heater works and what it looks like on the inside of the tank? If you have you will love watching this video.

Learning more about how a hot water heater works and seeing the internal parts of the water heater can help you to diagnose common water heater problems and help you to better maintain your water heater. Each part and its function is described to help the viewer better understand how their water heater operates.

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The video talks about the signs to look for that indicate the element or elements on the tank is going bad. You'll learn where the upper and lower elements are located and the function of each. It also shows you how to test the elements, and how to replace a faulty element. The elements are the most common things to break down on a water heater, making the information in this video very valuable to any homeowner.

Watch the video now to learn everything you need to know about how an electric water heater operates and some of the most common problems you can run into.
