We found public records for Glenn Davis in KY. Find current home address, cell phone numbers, email addresses and known relatives. Filter by age or city to narrow your search to find the person you are looking for.
We found public records for Glenn Davis in KY. Browse our public records directory to see current home addresses, cell phone numbers, email addresses, and known relatives. Filter by age or city to narrow your search to find the person you are looking for.
340 Mountain View Rd # 8, Monticello, KY, 1010 Club Hts, Monticello, KY
340 Mountain View Rd # 8, Monticello, KY
1010 Club Hts, Monticello, KY
@yahoo.com, @peoplepc.com
Brandon Davis, Lisa Davis, Glen Daves
Brandon Davis
Lisa Davis
Glen Daves
Glenn A Davis
68 years old
Lexington, Kentucky, 40511
410 Massie Ave, Paris, KY, 296 Douglas Ave, Versailles, KY
410 Massie Ave, Paris, KY
296 Douglas Ave, Versailles, KY
@msn.com, @aol.com
Faith Conley, Patsy Camel, Nicole Lyvers
Faith Conley
Patsy Camel
Nicole Lyvers
Glenn A Davis
68 years old
Louisville, Kentucky, 40272
4125 Saint Joseph Ave, Louisville, KY, 1503 Sharon Dr, Louisville, KY
4125 Saint Joseph Ave, Louisville, KY
1503 Sharon Dr, Louisville, KY
@gmail.com, @aol.com, @yahoo.com
Jack Davis, Beverly Davis, Angela Davis
Jack Davis
Beverly Davis
Angela Davis
Glenn C Davis
77 years old
Louisville, Kentucky, 40243
12214 Ledges Dr, Louisville, KY, 3525 Hughes Rd, Louisville, KY
12214 Ledges Dr, Louisville, KY
3525 Hughes Rd, Louisville, KY
John Davis, Rosemary Davis, Teri Davis
John Davis
Rosemary Davis
Teri Davis
Glenn E Davis
63 years old
Richmond, Kentucky, 40475
859-271-XXXX, 859-806-XXXX
1003 Fiddler Creek Way, Lexington, KY, 2811 White Oak Dr, Dayton, OH
1003 Fiddler Creek Way, Lexington, KY
2811 White Oak Dr, Dayton, OH
@yahoo.com, @gmail.com
James Davis, Joann Davis, Gary Davis
James Davis
Joann Davis
Gary Davis
Glenn E Davis
50 years old
Mount Sterling, Kentucky, 40353
859-498-XXXX, 606-498-XXXX
Po Box 768, Big Spring, TX, 232 Strother St, Mount Sterling, KY
Po Box 768, Big Spring, TX
232 Strother St, Mount Sterling, KY
Cheryl Caudill, Della Davis, Anna Davis
Cheryl Caudill
Della Davis
Anna Davis
Glenn F Davis
82 years old
Lexington, Kentucky, 40504
3723 Wood Valley Dr SE, Smyrna, GA, 409 Clinton Rd, Lexington, KY
3723 Wood Valley Dr SE, Smyrna, GA
409 Clinton Rd, Lexington, KY
Glenn H Davis
75 years old
Bellevue, Nebraska, 68123
859-919-XXXX, 859-356-XXXX
65 Juarez Cir, Covington, KY, 735 Meadow View Dr, Villa Hills, KY
65 Juarez Cir, Covington, KY
735 Meadow View Dr, Villa Hills, KY
Linda Alexander, Debbie Davis, Jessica Davis
Linda Alexander
Debbie Davis
Jessica Davis
Glenn J Davis
100 years old
Florence, Kentucky, 41042
859-371-XXXX, 606-371-XXXX
1715 Banklick St, Covington, KY, 2517 Dixie Hwy, Ft Mitchell, KY
1715 Banklick St, Covington, KY
2517 Dixie Hwy, Ft Mitchell, KY
John Davis, Dana David, Margie Davis
John Davis
Dana David
Margie Davis
Glenn K Davis
59 years old
Melvin, Kentucky, 41650
606-452-XXXX, 606-452-XXXX
Po Box 264, Melvin, KY, Po Box 289, Melvin, KY
Po Box 264, Melvin, KY
Po Box 289, Melvin, KY
@21cn.com, @yahoo.com
Laura Davis, Malinda Hill, Joyce Burke
Laura Davis
Malinda Hill
Joyce Burke
Glenn M Davis
71 years old
Lexington, Kentucky, 40503
859-335-XXXX, 859-263-XXXX
3145 Arrowhead Dr, Lexington, KY, 260 Old Mount Tabor Rd Apt 22, Lexington, KY
3145 Arrowhead Dr, Lexington, KY
260 Old Mount Tabor Rd Apt 22, Lexington, KY
@wkyt.com, @aol.com
Barbara Davis, Jennifer Combs, Ott Davis
Barbara Davis
Jennifer Combs
Ott Davis
Glenn Michael Davis
65 years old
Louisville, Kentucky, 40291
6524 Bilsim Ln, Louisville, KY, 9609 Hudson Ln, Louisville, KY
6524 Bilsim Ln, Louisville, KY
9609 Hudson Ln, Louisville, KY
Pamela Davis, Kim Davis, Karen Davis
Pamela Davis
Kim Davis
Karen Davis
Glenn R Davis
69 years old
Richmond, Kentucky, 40475
6 Slate Ave, Owingsville, KY, 169 Mariella Dr, Owingsville, KY
6 Slate Ave, Owingsville, KY
169 Mariella Dr, Owingsville, KY
Mari Davis, Jim Davis, Brandi Collins
Mari Davis
Jim Davis
Brandi Collins
Glenn W Davis
84 years old
Stanford, Kentucky, 40484
606-365-XXXX, 606-794-XXXX
964 Ky Highway 1770, Stanford, KY, 128 Hilltopper Dr, Stanford, KY
964 Ky Highway 1770, Stanford, KY
128 Hilltopper Dr, Stanford, KY
Evelyn Davis, Nancy Davis, Maurice Davis
Evelyn Davis
Nancy Davis
Maurice Davis
Possible Match for Glenn Davis
in Kentucky
Our top match for Glenn Davis lives on Greenway Dr in Elizabethtown, Kentucky
and may have previously resided on Michigan Ave in Elizabethtown, Kentucky.
Glenn is 52 years of age and may be related to Glendon Davis.
Run a full report on this result to get more details on Glenn.
Another possible match for Glenn Davis is 66 years old
and resides on Kings Hwy
in Louisville, Kentucky. Glenn may also have previously lived
on Wellington Green Dr in Louisville, Kentucky
and is associated to Gail Heavrin and Donna Curry.
Run a full report to get access to phone numbers, emails, social profiles and much more.
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