Harold A Shafer
116 years old

Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87121

Harold Shafer

Stockton, California, 95206

Harold Shafer
100 years old

Hubbard, Texas, 76648

Harold Shafer

Temecula, California, 92591

Harold A Shafer
109 years old

Trinity Center, California, 96091

Harold C Shafer
111 years old

Pullman, Washington, 99163

Harold D Shafer
107 years old

Clayton, Ohio, 45315

Harold L Shafer

Tippecanoe, Indiana, 46570

Harold L Shafer
92 years old

Lewis Center, Ohio, 43035

Harold R Shafer

Placentia, California, 92870

Harold R Shafer
103 years old

Klamath, California, 95548

Harold R Shafer
95 years old

Placentia, California, 92870

Harold R Shafer
82 years old

Peru, Indiana, 46970

Harold Ray Shafer

Elk, Washington, 99009

Harold S Shafer
87 years old

Colfax, Washington, 99111

Harold W Shafer

Seattle, Washington, 98133

Possible Match for Harold Shafer

Our top match for Harold Shafer lives on John**** Ave SW in Albuquerque, New Mexico and may have previously resided on Duke St in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Harold is 116 years of age and may be related to Thelma Shafer, Thelma Shafer and Roland Shafer. Run a full report on this result to get more details on Harold.

Another possible match for Harold Shafer is 111 years old and resides on SE Klemgard St Apt 225 in Yakima, Washington. Harold may also have previously lived on Tieton Dr Unit 81 in Yakima, Washington and is associated to Harold Shafer and Phyllis Shafer. Run a full report to get access to phone numbers, emails, social profiles and much more.

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