Arts and Entertainment Resources

Tips for Finding Entertainment for Events

Are you hosting an event and hoping to hire entertainment to keep your guests happy? There are a lot of options to choose from, but how do you know the company you plan to hire is actually worth the investment? As you take into consideration all of your options, from balloon artists to DJs, there are a few simple things you can do to ensure you hire the best person for the job. Here are the areas you should focus on when comparing companies for your needs.

Online Reviews Are a Starting Point

Using online reviews to get an idea of what the entertainment service has to offer is a good starting point. It allows you to learn what others have experienced. Don't settle for just one resource for reviews, though. Use numerous locations to find out what people are saying. Do they have a Facebook page? Check out their TikTok. You also want to consider Google Reviews and any other sites that may fit the genre. Find out what problems occurred and how the company handled them. If they have a poor review, how did the organization handle it or make it right?

Check Out Their Next Event

The best way to see if a band fits your tastes, or to find out if a group is going to be a good fit for your event, is to see them in action. Find out where their next performance is. Then, ask if you can drop in to see what the experience is like. Get a feel for what the crowd experiences and how they interact with those in attendance. That's going to give you more of an authentic experience.

Check Out All of the Options

When you're after a fun experience for your event, you may be planning to use the same type of entertainment others have used or you've used before. Why not change it up? Consider a variety of options to find the type of experience that suits your needs. For example, you could go with a DJ, but you may also find a cover band that's more affordable than you think and can provide a far better experience. On the other hand, consider something very different, such as a magician, jazz band, caricaturist, or even a gaming experience. You could host a mixology class in your location or have an illusionist come in.

Ask to Talk to References

When your event is just too important to get wrong, it's critical that you hire the right person or entertainment option for your guests. Another way to really find out what experience you can expect to happen is to be direct. Ask the entertainment professional for a few referrals. Call their previous clients to find out what the process was like. How did they interact with people? How did the crowd receive them? What did they do about timeliness, costs, and overall service levels? There is no better representation of the future than what they did for others in the past.

Have a Conversation About Expectations

When hiring an entertainment specialist for your event, be sure to have a frank conversation about what your needs are and what you expect them to do. Discuss the details, such as timelines, the type of content they will provide to you, and any requirements they may have for space, lighting, sound systems, and overall scheduling. You also want to talk about any restrictions on what they cannot or should not do, such as topics not to bring up or how they should address your friends and family. Laying out this information now makes it easier to deal with overall.

Get to Know Different Styles of Artwork

Also on this page, you can get to know different artwork styles and learn more about paintings. Have you ever wanted to know what the different styles of artwork people talk about really mean? Not everyone is an art enthusiast, but most people can learn to appreciate art if given the chance to learn about it and explore what it brings to life. A good starting point is a trip to a local art museum to discuss the various types of art. You'll want to take the time to ask questions of the professionals on hand so you can learn more about the meaning of various art styles, too. To help you get started, consider these types of art and what they typically represent.


One of the most talked about forms of art is impressionism. It was a painting style very commonly used throughout the 19th century. To notice it, look closely at the paint strokes. They are typically quite short. What makes this style of art unique is that it aims to capture feeling. It may take an ordinary subject matter and bring feeling and artistic elegance to it. It's the artist's impression of that static form.


Cubism is a geometric style of art. It was commonly found in artists' paintings and drawings during the early years of the 20th century, though it's been used for many years since. What makes this style of art unique is the various angles and sharp edges that are often a part of it. Each of the angles is said to reflect a different plane on the surface of an otherwise flat object. This is a much more abstract type of art form than others, but it is quite interesting.


Take a closer look at what surrealism is by looking for paintings and drawings created after World War I. During this time, the world was a very different place, and the art reflected that turmoil in various ways. This specific type of art is often illogical or even dream-like in its composition. The artists often tried to create their art using the unconscious mind, allowing it to express itself in various ways. It's possible to see surrealism in various forms of art as well, including painting, sculpture, and more.


In Romanticism, you will find a variety of unique elements. This style was created at the end of the 18th century up through the first portion of the 19th century and was largely found in Europe. It stems from the freedoms that came after the French Revolution and the way people felt at that time. Art is said to be an expression of the artist's emotions, no matter how positive or negative they are. You can see the artist's point of view through each of the brushstrokes in this style.


Another important style of art worthy of consideration is expressionism, a form that was popular in the early 1900s. This type of art was often created in Germany, where it was produced as a way of expressing the local opinions and emotions of the time. The images are distorted, and there are often limited areas of realism.


Another form of art worthy of careful consideration is abstract art. This style has been present for many years, and it's often a presence in various other types of art as well. It allows a person to express their art in their own way. The painting is typically not a simple image but one that blends colors, lines, and elements together. The subject of the painting is never represented in a realistic way. This form of art often starts with an initial creation of a literal person, for example, but will then change that image into something very different, leaving the interpreter to have to determine what the art is.

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